Pelo Silo Auto – Fotos Negadas #1

O Silo Auto é um parque de estacionamento localizado no centro da cidade do Porto, em Portugal, e já é um icon no coração dos portuenses.

Com vários andares para estacionamento, em espiral, e antigamente com um bingo no último piso, este parque que é concessão da câmara municipal oferece estacionamento a preços mais acessíveis no centro da cidade.

Teve várias propostas para ser reformulado ou até totalmente destruído, a última das quais seria transformar este edifício a organização europeia de fármacos, petição que falhou.

Agora alberga nas escadas de acesso várias exposições de arte temporárias e dentro do parque vários graffitis.

Deixo-vos um conjunto de fotografias que tirei no início do ano.


Bucharest art

The city is filled with art, churches , temples and museums .

People here are super friendly even though I am forced to speak English ( romanian is a latin language and I usually like to try to speak portunholitaliançais , which is a Ridiculous mix of languages that works in most latin countries….except here.

A poem about Bologna


“There was something unique about old Bologna
The red one, the learned one, the fat one
Whatever adjective you choose
As a tourist is hard to see Bologna
To look to the streets and see past the melancholic beauty of the ages
The deep history, the monuments
Even to look past the very map I held while I visited Bologna

As a tourist I could only be grateful
It welcomed me like I was no stranger
Served me her best food, showed me her stories and secrets
Even sometimes ….even if for a brief moment , I was no longer a tourist

As a tourist I look at Bologna as a gem
People might put it in 4th or 5th place in a map of wishes
But I was immediately attracted to her
Tall medieval structures raised my eyes to their impossibility
Streets filled with joy and pride,
Restaurants with delicacies I would eat with my vision

A graceful word in italian and people would just speak back
Embarrassed I tried to explain my condition
As a portuguese tourist with just basic knowledge of italian
Amazed by bologna
Wishing to stay , to be there, maybe forever or a long time
No longer as a tourist, looking at the watch
At the camera
At the map
No longer passing by
Just crossing everyday in the impossibility
Of not being a tourist”